Automate TradingView Alerts to Iq Option

Sending TradingView alerts to IQ Option is now possible thanks to TradingView To IQ Option tool. Automate TradingView alerts to Binary or Digital accounts.

To get started, submit your IQ Option password and email on the secure TradingView to IQ Option website and log in to save your Webhook. You are only one click away from automation. You can choose the quantity as a percentage or inform of your account currency.

To specify the expiry time, the parameter E= is used while T= specifies the account to execute the trades between Binary and Digital. By default, trades are placed on the Practice account and you can trade on real by adding the parameter A=real.

To connect to TradingView, copy and paste your Webhook URL on the alerts URL field. On the message field of the alert, paste the commands to open a trade.

You have successfully automated your TradingView alerts to IQ options :slight_smile: