The Futures API successfully enables balance checking

Firstly, I could successfully check the balance by sending a test request. However, when I attempted to submit a sell order with the command “Sell ETHUSDTM Q=0.1 L=20 A=Futures,” it returned an error stating that the minimum contract size is 1.

Additionally, I tried using a different coin, “Sell ARBUSDTM Q=1 L=20 A=FUTURES,” but it resulted in an authentication error. The message indicated, “AuthenticationError kucoinfutures Access denied, require more permission.”

Does anyone have a solution to resolve these issues?

Hello @jun123,

The reason why Sell ETHUSDTM Q=0.1 L=20 A=Futures failed is because KuCoin Futures uses contract size/ lot size. The minimum is 1 for each and every asset. This is not to mean that you are selling 1ETH, no. It means you are selling 1 contract that is equivalent to 0.01ETH.

If you got to XBTUSDTM, Q=1 will mean the minimum size which is 0.001BTC.

For the "AuthenticationError kucoin futures Access denied, require more permission.” error, you need to give your KuCoin Futures API key the following permissions;

Thank you.