[feature] MetaTrader Trailing of Stop/Limit Orders

Trail Stop/Limit Orders

A powerful new feature has been released, allowing users to dynamically trail stop and limit orders. This addition brings enhanced flexibility to trade execution, ensuring traders can optimize their entry strategies even in volatile markets.

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:globe_with_meridians: Platform MetaTrader
:arrow_heading_up: Version 4.005 :green_circle:
:arrow_heading_up: Plugin 1.30 :green_circle:

This new trailing functionality applies to pending orders and, optionally, to market positions.


  1. Trail Stop/Limit Orders
buy EURUSD p=100 tt=P td=100 ts=10

This command opens a BuyStop order 100 points away from the current market price. If the price falls by 10 points, the order will be moved back to maintain the 100-point distance. This keeps the order relevant, adapting to price movements before activation.

  1. Trailing a Limit/Stop Order After it is Triggered
buy EURUSD p=200 tt=M td=100 ts=10

This creates a buy-stop order 200 points away. Once the stop order is filled, the trailing will activate immediately and maintain a distance of 100 points from the market price. It will be adjusted after every 10 points. This ensures traders capitalize on momentum while securing potential gains.

  1. Trailing a Pending Order Before and After it is Triggered
Buy EURUSD P=100 tt=MP td=100 ts=10

This command opens a buystop 100 points away from the current market price. If the price falls by 10 points, the order will move back to maintain the 100-point distance. Once the stop order is filled, the trailing is triggered from entry maintaining a 100-point distance from the market and adjusting after every 10 points.

buy EURUSD p=100 tt=50P td=100 ts=10

This command opens a BuyStop order 100 points away from the current market price. If the price falls by 10 points, the order will be moved back to maintain the 100-point distance. Once the stop order is filled, the trailing is triggered after 50 points of profit maintaining a 100-point distance from the market and adjusting after every 10 points.

MT4 EA, MT4 Trailing Plugin,
MT5 EA, MT5 Trailing Plugin

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