Some of the EA that I use can be set up so that it does not trade when there’s a big news like FOMC.
Can we add this sort of feature?
Hello @sannexus
Sure, you can. We use the session parameter to choose when to trade.
In this way, you can determine when to trade and when not.
For example. BUY EURUSD Q=0.1 S=12:00-14:00. This alert will only be executed between these times. The time is your broker’s server time.
I see.
Great.Thank you
Hello, Tash,
2 more questions…
1: is the time set on Tradingview, currently I have it set on JST, or GMT? or for that matter broker’s time?
How do you account for summer time etc?
2: Can you place multiple time restrictions?
like say, between 17:00 - 20:00 (london opening in JST) and 21:30-3:00 (NY open) ?
thank you
No, the time used is your broker’s server time. that is what is used.
Yes, you can use multiple times, e,g BUY EURUSD Q=0.01 S=17:00-20:00,21:30-3:00.
One more about this…
Can I set it up in the EA parameter’s default parameter or the Override parameter as well?
Override Parameter - Used to replace the values passed in the commands. Everything is ignored if the values set here are missing in your commands.
Default Parameters - The values entered here are automatically added to your commands whenever they are sent without them.
Hi Tash,
Using the sessions filter to avoid trading during high impact news, like FOMC or CPI or NFP, is not optimal in my opinion.
The day news are coming out differs from week to week, what makes it needed to adjust the session filter.
I know what I will write now is a luxus problem but when I need to adjust it every time, it looses the Charme of automation for me
I would love to see a possibility in the EA to avoid trading x minutes before and x minutes after the news were made public.
And a news filter which is based on ForexFactory with the possibility to avoid trading also during low / mid / high news.
Do you think this is possible?
There is a recent update that has what you request.
Check out the trade plugin from Tv to MT
Sorry, not sure what you mean.
I don’t see any news filter in the link you mentioned.
Maybe iam blind…
Its in the steps. Here is an alternative source Metatrader (MT4 or MT5)
Still sorry, can you send me a screenshot which specific passage you mean?
A free Trade Plugin allows you to enable/disable trade sessions based on news
Visit this link: Metatrader (MT4 or MT5)
Then click on the Trade Plugin. The first one is MT4 and Second on is MT5
Here is a screenshot of the article