Automating Tradingview to IQ Option

Automating your trading strategies by connecting TradingView alerts to IQ Option can enhance efficiency and responsiveness in your trading activities. This guide outlines the process of setting up such automation, detailing the command syntax, parameters, and supported commands to facilitate seamless integration.

To begin automating trades from TradingView to IQ Option, you’ll need to create a webhook using the TradingView To Anywhere tool. This tool enables the transmission of TradingView alerts directly to your IQ Option account, allowing for automated execution of trades.

Command Syntax

The structure of commands used to automate trades is as follows:

Command Symbol Param=Value
Example: Buy EURUSD Q=10


  • command: Specifies the action to be executed, such as ‘buy’ or ‘sell’.
  • asset: Indicates the trading pair or asset, like ‘EURUSD’.
  • param: Defines specific parameters for the trade, such as quantity or expiry time.
  • value: Assigns the value to the specified parameter.


Several parameters can be customized within commands to control trade execution:

  • Q: Quantity of the option in USD or as a percentage of the account balance. For example, Q=10 or Q=1%. The default is 1 if not specified.
  • E: Expiry time of the option in minutes. For example, E=5 for a 5-minute expiry. The default is 1 minute if not specified.
  • T: Type of option, either BINARY or DIGITAL. For example, T=BINARY. The default is Binary if not specified.
  • A: Account type, either practice or real. For example, A=real. The default is practice if not specified.

Supported Commands

The following commands are supported for automating trades:

  1. Opening a Position

Indicator Alerts

  • Buy Command: Initiates a ‘Higher’ option.

    buy EURUSD Q=10 E=5 T=BINARY

    This command opens a ‘Higher’ option on EURUSD with a $10 investment, a 5-minute expiry, and in the binary category.

  • Sell Command: Initiates a ‘Lower’ option.

    sell EURUSD Q=10 E=5 T=DIGITAL

    This command opens a ‘Lower’ option on EURUSD with a $10 investment, a 5-minute expiry in the Digital options category.

Strategy Alerts

{{strategy.order.action}} AUDUSD Q=100 E=5 - Opens a Higher/Lower option on AUDUSD worth 100 USD with an expiry of 5 minutes.

- For more on how to automate Tradingview strategies, see how to use Dynamic TradingView alert variables.

  1. Checking Balance

    • Balance Command: Retrieves the current account balance.


      This command returns the balance of the account.

Additional Notes

  • Case Sensitivity: Commands and parameters are not case-sensitive.
    Buy eurusd q=100 - Correct :white_check_mark:
    BUY EURusd Q=100 - Correct :white_check_mark:
  • Parameter Formatting: Ensure there are no spaces between parameters and values to avoid execution errors.
    Buy eurusd E=5 - Correct :white_check_mark:
    buy eurusd E = 5 - Incorrect :x:
  • Default Settings: If a parameter is not specified,the defaults are applied.

By following this structured approach, you can effectively automate your TradingView alerts to execute trades on IQ Option, enhancing your trading efficiency and strategy implementation.

Happy Trading