Automate TradingView Script to Binance USDM

You can now send TradingView alerts to Binance UsdM thanks to the Tradingview to Anywhere tool. The bot uses human-like commands that can be combined with TradingView’s dynamic alert messages.

Head over to TradingView To Binance and scroll to the step-by-step guide to get started. Create new Binance API keys and allow futures and Spot & margin trading. Allow unrestricted IP access and submit your API keys on the TradingView To Binance website. Follow the easy on-screen instructions provided till the end. Once you are done, you can proceed to set up alerts on TradingView as explained below:

Automating TradingView Strategy to Binance UsdM
Use either {{strategy.order.action}} - which returns the string “buy” or “sell” for the executed order or {{strategy.market_position}} - which returns the current position of the strategy in string form: “long”, “flat”, or “short” (Suitable for strategies that generate close commands). Specify the exchange, quantity, and account using the TradingView to Anywhere commands. For Example, *{{strategy.order.action}} BTCUSDT Q=0.02 a=UsdM will buy/sell 0.02 BTC on Binance UsdM futures account.

The Bot also supports multi commands to Binance. Each command starts on a new line and is executed in the order in which they are listed.
{{strategy.order.action}} BTCUSDT Q=0.02 A=USDM
The above command will close all BTCUSDT positions before executing the strategy commands.

Automating TradingView Indicator to Binance UsdM
To automate an indicator, select the indicator as the condition, choose long or short condition, select once per bar to avoid repainting issues, and input the applicable buy/sell command in the message field. For example, if you choose a long condition above, the command will be Buy BTC
USDT q=0.03 a=usdm
to long 0.03BTC on the Binance USDM futures account. A short condition will follow the same process but this time it would be Sell.

The Bot also supports multi commands to Binance. Each command starts on a new line and is executed in the order in which they are listed.
The above command will close all BTCUSDT positions before executing a sell command.

For further information on placeholders, refer to this link

That’s all, it is that simple! :slight_smile: